Exploring Mont Blanc

The highest mountain in Western Europe, exploring Mont Blanc offers a holiday unlike any other. Travelling via our Dover to Calais route, your road trip to Mont Blanc will see you pass through a number of beautiful French provinces like Champagne with its endless vines stretching across the hillside, and past the villages of France, ending with the sight of

Celebrating Bastille Day in Paris

Better known to locals as La Fête Nationale, Bastille Day takes place on the 14th July each year and is one of the biggest annual celebrations in France. The public holiday owes its roots to the storming of the Bastille prison in 1789, a historical day which moved the country towards revolution and eventually becoming a republic. Now, each year

Beach Tips for Travelling With Young Children

The days are getting warmer, the summer holidays are on the horizon, and that can only mean one thing: a trip to the beach. While this activity can be daunting for new parents or those with young children, there are a few simple ways you can ensure your day at the coast is as fun as possible. Check out some